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In the frontend the directMessageConntroller is in charge of managing all events related to the Chat Direct Messages, and the channelController manages all events related to the Chat Channels.


In the backend the chat.gateway and chat.service and channels.service are in charge of managing all the events related to the Chat.

The gateway-manager.service is injected into chat.gateway, use it to manage the users that are connected to the server.

The gateway-manager.gateway is injected into chat.gateway, use it to access the server instance.

Event relation between the Frontend and Backend

Direct messages

  • On client connection and disconnection to the server: when the client gets a connected-friends, friend-online or a friend-offline event, it is managed through the friendsController, which at the same time calls some relevant connection and disconnection functions in the directMessageController in order to add/remove the newly connected/disconnected friends and chats.

  • On direct message: When a client sends a direct message to a friend, the user sends to the server a direct-message event containing the addressee friend and the message. When the server receives the event it checks if the client and the addressee are friends. If that is the case the server sends a direct-message event to the addressee with the sender and the message.

  • On chellenge: When a client sends a challenge request to another user, the frontend sends through directMessageController a challenge event. This signal is received by the backend that sends a challenge signal to the other user. A button appears in the first user chat to accept the challenge. If accepted, the second user sends an accept-challenge signal to the server and changes the route to /game, that manages it to create a new Game with those two players and sends the first user a challenge-accepted signal in order to change the route to /game.


  • On client connection to the server: the server sends to the connected client an all-channels event, containing an array of all existing channels (without a Chat).
  • On channel creation: the client sends a channel-create event to the server, and the server sends back a channel-created event to notify the creator of the channel that the creation was successful. The creator becomes the channel owner. The server also sends a new-channel event to all other clients (except the creator), so that they can include the newly-created channel in their map of channels.
  • Join channel: the client sends a join-channel event to the server to join a channel. The server sends back a channel-joined event to notify the user that they have joined the channel successfully. The server also sends a new-user-joined event to the other clients members of the channel, to notify them that a new user has joined the channel.
  • Leave channel: the client sends a leave-channel event to the server to leave a channel. If the user was the channel owner, the next user in the channel’s users array becomes the owner. If the user was the last member of the channel, the channel is deleted. Otherwise, the server sends back a channel-left event to notify the user that they have left the channel successfully. The server also sends a user-left event to tell the other members of the channel that the user left the channel.
  • On channel deletion: the server sends a deleted-channel event to the clients to notify them of deleted channels.
  • On channel message: when a client sends a message to a channel, the client sends to the server a channel-message event containing the name of the channel, the username of the sender and the message. The server checks if the client is muted and, if that is not the case, sends a channel-message event to the room of that channel.
  • On user ban: the client sends a ban-user event to the server to ban a user. The user is kicked out from the channel and added to the bannedUsers map of that channel. When a user is banned successfully, the server sends a user-left event to members of the channel. Only channel admins can ban other users. If a client attempts to join a channel but they have been previously banned from it, the server will send a user-banned event to the client. Within this event’s payload, the client also gets the amount of time remaining for the ban to be lifted.
  • On user mute: the client sends a mute-user to the server to mute a user. Only channel admins can mute other users. When a client attempts to write a message on a channel but they have been previously muted, the server will send a user-muted event to the client. Within this event’s payload, the client also gets the amount of time remaining for the mute to be lifted.
  • On admin set/unset: the client sends a set-admin or unset-admin to the server in order to set or unset a user as channel admin. Then, the server sends a admins-updated event to notify all clients that a channel’s admin has been set/unset. Only channel owners can set/unset admins.
  • Passwords: the client sends a set-password to the server to set/change a channel’s password. The client sends an unset-password event to the server to unset a channel’s password (i.e. make it public again). Only channel owners can manage a channel’s password. When a channel’s password has been set/changed/unset successfully, the server sends a password-updated event to all clients, its payload contains a bool password property which is true if the password is set, or false if unset (so client can know whether the channel is password-protected or not). If a client attemps to join a password-protected channel using an incorrect password, the server will send a wrong-password event to the client.